Help Put Socialist Candidates on the Ballot!

Draft AOC for President of the United States in 2028

The Social Democrats of America are seeking Socialists to run or assist others in running as delegates to the Presidential Convention in 2028.

Although the information about the 2028 Democratic Convention has not yet been released, you can review the 2024 draft of the Delegate Selection Plan released by the Alaska Democratic Party for Chicago.

Our goal is also to remove money from the electoral process. This draft campaign relies on in-kind contributions, where each of us performs simple tasks for the benefit of the collective. These tasks could include picking up a copy of the voter database from the county chair, handing out flyers on a street corner, designing a logo, or any other activity that helps us reach our goal.

Alaska has been allocated 19 delegates. Right now, we need to gather as many Democrats as possible to show support for a potential AOC candidacy. Our goal is to encourage as many people as possible to register as Democrats as soon as possible.

First Name:

Last Name:



Volunteer Information:
  I will sign a petition with AOC's name
  I am available to be a delegate
  I want to volunteer in any capacity
  I have time to read party documents
  I was a delegate in the past


Partisan Information:
  Elected County/State party member
  Democratic Club member
  Ran for elected office
  Elected to goverment position
  Never participated in politics


Affirmative Action Information:
  Native American
  People with Disabilities
  Youth (18-36)



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Watch this 26-minute documentary to understand what it means to be part of the governance of the County Democratic Party. Click here to watch the whole documentary. (Press the PLAY button and enter the password QCC4ALL (all in uppercase) to access it.)

Rep My Block is provided free of charge to any candidate who wishes to use its services. Please note that Draft AOC's content is independent of the Rep My Block tool.